The series 6 X 6 (Six by Six) displays 15 works on Noname paper (so called ‘Noname’ as I haven’t identified who made the paper). The series explores work done in a “square format.” The “rule of thirds” doesn’t apply and dealing with the center of interest is a challenge. The series is abstract paintings, but no less a challenge then if I had created representational paintings.
I found that what Andrew S. Gibson wrote on the Internet site “Digital Photography School” is helpful: “A square is a perfectly balanced shape. Each side is equal in length. Using the square format encourages the eye to move around the frame in a circle. This is different to the rectangular frame, where the eye is encouraged to move from side to side (in the landscape format) or up and down (in the portrait format). There are many factors that influence the way the eye moves around a photo, including the use of line, texture, colour, selective focus and negative space. But the shape of the frame is a major factor.”
If you are possibly interested in purchasing one of these please see Purchase page on this site.
To see a movie of the 15 paintings I did: