A Comprehensive Plan for Manpower Delivery, Baltimore and the Five Surrounding Counties: Project implemented by US Dept. of Labor; developed into the Job Bank, computer and individual assisted system for all Job Placement services Nation-wide; the current labor market system for seeking jobs US Department of Labor. Greenleigh Assocaites, pincipal staff member, NYC
A Model for Citizen Participation and an Evaluation of the Citizen Program Model Cities, Richmond, Virginia
A Model for a Multi-Service Center, Anne Arundel County. Maryland.
Profile of Anne Arundel County. Two Parts: Part I: Population
Data Needs Statement and Methodology, Part II: Employer Need Study,
Development of a Model System (Job Bank, with computer system now National system) for the Delivery of Comprehensive Manpower Services Within the Public Employment System for a Labor Market Area, Greenleigh Associates, NYC, Principal member of staff Baltimore. Md.
Planning Document and Study Approach for evaluation and implementation of the “U.S. Navy Race Relation Project,” including curricula modification and site implementation for race relations training, of US Navy, world-wide. Project coordinator, staff member at Curber Associates, Washington, D.C. (contractor to the US Navy); under the direction of Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Zumwalt.
Evaluation of the Social Gerontology. Nutrition Education and Leadership Training Conducted in the State of Maine, by University of Maine at , Farmington, ME, and the New England Geron-tology Center, Durham, New Hampshire
OADAP, Substance Abuse Training Model: A Pilot training effort for drug, alcohol and mental health workers. Included in the Project is a set of six elements: Needs Assessment, Resource Identification, Priority Establishment, Training Design and Delivery, Evaluation and Credentialing.
Numerous proposals and elements in other study reports; e.g., Continuing Education for Maine’s Nurses via Telelecture, A Statewide Plan
A Plan for Graduate Education in the Human Services, University of Maine, Portland
A Study of the Feasibility of Establishing Gerontology Institute!: Planning Committee Membe
A Solid Waste Management Report, Town of Arundel An Economic Feasibility Report for the Town of Arundel
A Management Information System, Manual & Computer Application:Area V Mental Health Board Catchment Area, Portland, Maine
A Training Plan for Drug Abuse Prevention Workers, State of New Hampshire.
A Resource Directory of Drug Abuse Training, State of New Hampshire.
Arundel, Maine coastal Zone Management Proposal, Arundel, Maine
Public Works Grant Application for the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Wells Water District