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Image 1 is the Goddess Frigga; image 2 is Birthing; and image 3 is Baldur: God of Light & Joy (See Images Below)
I decided to memorialize my Norse heritage by a triptych painting. Displayed is The Norse Goddess Frigga, who gave birth to the God of Light & Joy, Baldur, on “Mother Night.”
My mother, Nellie Magoalen Borgersen was born in Oslo, Norway March 12, 1900; her father, Bernard Borgersen, Mother Karen Petra, sisters Violet and Anna, and brother Charles, as one family, immigrated to to the United States. My mother arrived in the U.S. when she was 20 years old, became a Naturalized Citizen, and died in Hollywood, Florida, 1986. She is buried at the “Rose Family Plot” in Forest Hills, N.Y.
As was the same for my father, Mother never described any of her history of her family, and the relatives she left in Norway, or why the family packed their belongings and left for the United States. It remains another family mystery; similar as for my great grandfather, Solomon Rosenberg, who immigrated to the United States just before the Civil War; he served in the Union Army.
While it’s not unusual for family to keep silent of their immigrant roots, it’s not pleasant to have the history untold. I have as yet to unravel much of anything, so it will likely to remain untold.